June 11, 2024

Well, as I have learned, maintenance is hard!  I regained the 50 pounds and stopped doing all those good things that got me slim and trim. After organizing pictures on my laptop, and seeing the before and after photos, it is time to get back at it. I am noticing that my hips ache after sitting, even when getting out of my car. Excess weight isn’t helping me. I tried Noom, and it had great suggestions, but it didn’t see me committing to improving my habits. I am not diabetic, but I do check from time to time as it does run in my family.

Today is day 5 of getting back at it, for real. I’m tracking food with an app, intermittent fasting with an app timer, and using a spreadsheet to record my progress. My Apple Watch is recording many things, which keeps me honest and motivated. I still miss my SparkPeople app.

I want my lean healthy body back. I can do this!  

I also found a free app, NoomVibe, which isn’t really about diet, but healthy habits and more. I’m liking it. 

Stay tuned! I'll be back under 200 lbs within days. I will celebrate! 🎉